
PhotobucketKelly F is a SAHM to 2 children, Cameron (1/19/08) and Cora (8/26/09), from NE Ohio. She has been couponing since November 2009. Her other hobbies include cooking, wine, reading, photography and the outdoors!

PhotobucketKelly W is a SAHM to her one son, Ryan (4/22/08), from Central FL. She has enjoyed the savings couponing has brought into her life and wants to help others experience it too! Her other hobbies include exercising at the gym, blogging, shopping, photography & Facebook.

Join us as we blog about our experiences with couponing. Watch how we save tons of money by strategically matching ads with coupons to save the most money. We will also blog about other awesome deals we find along the way. Hopefully we can help you save a little money as well!

Any suggestions, questions or requests?? E-mail us at thecouponingkellys@gmaildotcom