(Prices are after Qs and sales)
Transaction #1:
4 board books for Cora (building her book collection): $1 each
1 Gerber Graduates Yogurt Blends (had a "Try Me Free" sticker on it): $2.99- $2.99 MIR= FREE after rebate!
$-.05 for reusable bag
My total OOP (after rebate): $4.21
Total savings: $3.04 (41.93%)
Transaction #2:
8 packs Rayovac batteries: FREE after Q! Become a fan of them on FB and print a Q for $1 off any Rayovac batteries
1 Kids n Pets Stain and Odor remover: $4.74- $4.74 MIR= FREE after rebate! Become a fan of them on FB and print a rebate form for any Kids N Pets product for FREE
-$.05 for reusable bag
My total OOP (after rebates): $.77 (have to pay tax!)
Total savings: $12.79 (94.32%)

My Super Target doesn't carry Rayovacs anymore..booo! I have to go to Wal Mart to get them and they aren't the cheapy kind from the dollar spot.