I'm so tired this morning! I was lying awake in
bed last night pondering all of the things that I want to do with our blog. As I lie there, idea after idea came into my mind. I slowly drifted off to sleep and then at 4:30 AM: CHIRP. CHIRP. CHIRP. One of our smoke detectors decided that it wanted a new battery. This is the 3rd time it has happened (different detector each time), and every time it has happened in the middle of the night. Shaun and I got out of
bed and proceeded to determine which one it was. Unfortunately, it was the one in our bedroom. Our ceilings are really tall in our room, so he had to go out to the garage and get the ladder. After all was said and done, I went back to
bed and as soon as I was about to drift off to sleep, BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. My alarm. Up and at em!
As tired as I am this morning, I am excited to announce that we will be hosting our very first giveaway. I will be posting the details this afternoon, so be sure to check back!!
nice article thanks for sharing !!!!!